Rubrics as an assessment tool for the graduate attributes of an Educational Program.


  • Jhesu Marisol Morales Carrillo TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic
  • Esteban Alejandro Castañeda Montaño TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic
  • Luis Alberto Castañeda Montaño TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic
  • Martha Angélica Parra Urías



rubric, graduate attribute, performance level, evaluation, skills, knowledge, attitudes (suggested for elimination).


This article addresses the fundamental role played by assessment tools, such as rubrics, in the evaluation of the graduation attributes of any Educational Program and to what extent they allow identifying the level of performance of each one of the students in their integral development.

Rubrics are structured tools that allow evaluating performance in different competencies and skills through well-defined criteria. By enabling precise and transparent evaluation, they have become a valuable resource for measuring students' progress in key areas that are relevant to their academic development.

One of the highlighted aspects in the article is how rubrics help identify and evaluate the graduate attributes, that is, the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are expected for students to acquire at the end of their educational process.

Assessment through rubrics allows for a more comprehensive and detailed evaluation of each graduate attribute, providing teachers with a deeper insight into the holistic development of students. Having specific criteria for each competency of each attribute makes it possible to measure more accurately how students progress over time in each of these competencies.

Furthermore, the article highlights the importance of using rubrics in a formative approach, meaning as a tool for learning and continuous improvement. When students are aware of the evaluation criteria in advance, they have the opportunity to self-assess and receive feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance their skills.

Rubrics represent a valuable tool for assessing students' graduate attributes and measuring their holistic development. By providing well-defined criteria, rubrics allow for a more accurate and transparent evaluation of these attributes, fostering students' growth and continuous learning in key areas for their future success. However, it is essential to combine the use of rubrics with other forms of assessment to capture more subjective aspects and promote a comprehensive approach to education.

It should be mentioned that some limitations of rubrics in assessing graduate attributes are also addressed, which will be understood in the content of this article.


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Author Biographies

Jhesu Marisol Morales Carrillo, TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic

Master in Business Administration, professor at the Technological Institute of Tepic, affiliated with the Department of Economic and Administrative Sciences, teaching courses in the Business Management Engineering and Business Administration programs since 2006 to date, project leader in teaching, and coordinator of the accreditation for the Business Management Engineering Program.

Esteban Alejandro Castañeda Montaño, TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic

Computer Systems Engineer, professor at the Technological Institute of Tepic, teaching courses since 2006 in the Computer Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering programs in the area of programming.

Luis Alberto Castañeda Montaño, TecNM- Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic

Control and Computing Engineer, professor at the Technological Institute of Tepic, affiliated with the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, head of the academy, and participant in national and international innovation events, earning direct passes to Colombia and Romania.

Martha Angélica Parra Urías,

Computer Systems Engineer, professor at the Technological Institute of Tepic, Head of the Systems and Computing Department.



How to Cite

Morales Carrillo, J. M., Castañeda Montaño, E. A. ., Castañeda Montaño, L. A., & Parra Urías, M. A. (2023). Rubrics as an assessment tool for the graduate attributes of an Educational Program. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (40).





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