El Medio ambiente laboral en una empresa hotelera en la ciudad de Agua Prieta Sonora

Work environment in a hotel company in the city of Agua Prieta Sonora


  • Emma Corral Morales
  • Laila Guadalupe Atrip Karam
  • Blanca Esthela Zazueta Villavicencio
  • Bryan Alberto Ruiz Moroyoqui
  • Yaneth Yadira Salazar Verduzco




The context in this research is the work environment in a hotel service company in the border city of Agua Prieta Sonora, where we can refer to the problem of the work environment. This project is aimed at the company's workers and the manager, as well as some clients who can perceive this organizational climate. To carry out the study, a sample of 130 clients was taken, selected at random and considering the most frequent; to know the main appreciations of the work environment and what it affects in the service process.

The techniques used in the research are: the survey, the questionnaire and the interview. To collect, process and analyze information. The questionnaire was directed to the clients with 8 items measured by the Likert scale in order to measure whether the clients were satisfied with their attention, the other collection instrument was an interview with the workers consisting of 32 items separated by 6 variables: environment work, communication between workers, leadership, teamwork, job satisfaction and working conditions measured by the Likert scale to evaluate the work environment that exists among workers. The research design is a descriptive method, of a mixed type, to obtain the necessary information, measurable and non-measurable data of quantitative and qualitative types had to be analyzed since it would be more flexible to have a better prediction of things, the data is concentrated in a matrix to express the results.


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How to Cite

Corral Morales, E., Atrip Karam , L. G., Zazueta Villavicencio, B. E., Ruiz Moroyoqui , B. A., & Salazar Verduzco , Y. Y. (2024). El Medio ambiente laboral en una empresa hotelera en la ciudad de Agua Prieta Sonora: Work environment in a hotel company in the city of Agua Prieta Sonora. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (41). https://doi.org/10.46589/riasf.vi41.634





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