Physical activity and quality of diet in schoolchildren in the city of Navojoa, Sonora




Physical activity, healthy eating, schoolchildren


Physical activity (PA) and healthy eating instilled from an early age have a positive influence on all the following stages of life by generating biopsychosocial benefits, in addition to reducing the risk of suffering from a chronic non-communicable disease (NCDs). Objective: to analyze the level of physical activity and quality of the diet in fifth and sixth grade schoolchildren of an elementary school in the city of Navojoa, Sonora. Methods: a non-experimental cross-sectional cohort study was carried out in 47 subjects between 10 and 12 years of age, the level of PA and quality of the diet were evaluated to compare the means through analysis of variance (ANOVA) applying a level 95% confidence and probability p<0.05. Results and discussions: when analyzing the frequency of the percentage of various physical activities carried out, it was observed that 72.2% of the boys did between one and four times a week and 44% of the girls between three and four times a week, Although 59.48% did not perform PA in free time, the level of PA by academic grade was similar in both groups (p=0.10) considered as irregular active, likewise, there were no significant differences when comparing PA level by academic grade and sex (p=0.35 in fifth-grade boys and girls and p=0.23 in fifth-grade boys and girls). Regarding the percentage of the quality of the diet, it was observed that more than 65% of the sixth grade group and more than 45% of the fifth grade group have an optimal diet, however, there is a large number of schoolchildren who ate industrial pastries for breakfast , consumed sweets several times a day or fast food at least once a week Conclusions: promote PA programs and healthy eating at school and as an extracurricular part, also, develop workshops where they learn about food groups and how they benefit the physical and mental health in different stages of life.


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Author Biography

Héctor Duarte Félix



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How to Cite

Castro, A. A., Borbón Castro, N., Cruz Ortega, M., Duarte Félix, H. ., Durazo Terán, L., & López Castro, L. . (2021). Physical activity and quality of diet in schoolchildren in the city of Navojoa, Sonora. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (35), 20.



