Assessment of the environmental impact at Huatabampito beach for the development of a sustainability strategy.

. Environmental impact


  • Patricia Gutiérrez Zavala
  • Emma Corral Morales TecNM Campus Huatabampo
  • Laila Atrip Káram TecNM Campus Huatabampo
  • Guadalupe María Zúñiga Espinoza TecNM Campus Huatabampo
  • Karla Daniela Cazares Mora



Huatabampito beach. Sustainability. Pollution. Environmental impact.


The geographical area corresponding to Huatabampito beach has evident environmental problems. This work aims to (1) assess the level of pollution that predominates in the area, (2) rise environmental awareness in the native and tourist population of that area in order to decrease both littering and pollution, (3) promote the establishment of strategies that improve the environmental welfare. Through the use of qualitative research techniques such as surveys, questionnaires, and scorecards, this work gathers data related with pollution levels and the level of awareness in the visiting population. Results derived from the application of scorecards revealed an intermediate level of pollution, which agrees with the current level of development of Huatabampito beach; however, ecological awareness in tourists is low which leads to their little involvement in environmental rescue strategies. Results from our research include the proposal of a sustainability plan that considers environment, society, education and governments that, altogether, will contribute to better use the resources available at Huatabampito beach, considering the needs of future generations.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Zavala, P., Corral Morales, E. ., Atrip Káram, L., Zúñiga Espinoza, G. M. ., & Cazares Mora, K. D. . (2022). Assessment of the environmental impact at Huatabampito beach for the development of a sustainability strategy.: . Environmental impact. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (37), 15.





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