Level of financial education as an influence on making debt decisions in the use of credit cards in Navojoa, Sonora
Educación financiera, endeudamiento, tarjetas de crédito.Abstract
The object of study of this research was to analyze the level of financial education of the inhabitants of the city of Navojoa, Sonora and its influence on making decisions about debt in credit cards, by applying an instrument of 19 questions, divided in three categories, which measures the level of financial education, the level of indebtedness, the use and knowledge of credit cards and the relationship between them, to a sample of 661 subjects. The results obtained showed that the people surveyed have a medium level of financial education and debt, and a medium-high level of use and knowledge of credit cards, therefore, it can be said that the level of financial education that the respondents have is related to their indebtedness and in turn to the use and knowledge they have about the financial product they use. This means that the more known about a topic the user will have the ability to make an assertive decision.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dra. Cecilia Aurora Murillo Félix , Dra. Erika Ivett Acosta Mellado , María Alejandra Quintero Navarro
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