Behavior of physical activity, functional capacity, social support and depressive symptoms of older adults residing in the community in the municipality of Guaymas, Sonora
Physical activity, Functionality, Autonomy, Elderly.Abstract
Objective: evaluate the conduct of physical activity, functional capacity, perceived social support and depressive symptoms presented by older adults signed up at the INAPAM cultural center located in the municipality of Guaymas, Sonora. Methodology: a study with a quantitative approach, a non-experimental cross-sectional design and a descriptive scope. 41 subjects of both genders participated, aged between 60 and 86 years. The analysis of the results was performed using the Statistics StatSoft® version 8.0 software. Results: the physical activity behavior of older adults indicates that men predominantly develop activities of mild intensity with an average of 3.00 ± 1.27 METs, compared to women who also carry out activities of moderate intensity and consume an average of 4.99 ± 3.81 METs, however, when comparing the groups, no significant differences were found (p <0.21). When carrying out the classification of functional capacity, men show independence in the basic activities of daily life (100%) in contrast to women (62.85%), in the instrumental activities of daily life only 66.66% of men and 62.85% of women are autonomous. Regarding perceived social support, both genders stated that the size of the social support network is moderately complete (50% in men and 65.57% in women) and expressed feeling moderately satisfied with their social support network (66.66% men and 74.28 % women). When evaluating depressive symptoms, the results obtained indicate an average of 5.16 ± 2.31 points for men and 6.22 ± 2.70 points for women, that is, only 66.66% of men and 45.71% of women are located in the normal category, not However, when comparing the groups, no significant differences were found (p <0.37). Conclusion: the predominance of sedentary conducts, the loss of functional capacity, as well as the reduction in size and satisfaction with the social support network, together with the appearance of depressive symptoms are factors that affect the biopsychosocial health of older adults, even considering that they reside in the community.
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