Magnitudes of the determinants of labor participation by gender in Mexico


  • Manuel De Jesús López Pérez Tecnológico Nacional de México / Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali
  • Norma Aída Valenzuela Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa / Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales



This article focuses attention on the different magnitudes of the determinants that influence participation in the labor market of the population aged 16 to 65 in Mexico, highlighting the persistent limitation of women because they are usually conditioned to traditional care roles. of the children, the elderly and the home, all within a framework of gender inequality reproduced by the dominant gender. The research analyzes the variables that influence the labor participation of each gender using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) applied in Mexico by the OECD. A descriptive statistical approach and a probit regression are used that include the traditional variables of age, years of schooling and work experience, in addition, additional variables are added such as: marital status, children under 6 years of age and skills in reading comprehension, and ability to calculation. The study seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the factors that affect the labor force participation of men and women in Mexico.


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How to Cite

López Pérez, M. D. J., & Valenzuela Sánchez, N. A. (2024). Magnitudes of the determinants of labor participation by gender in Mexico. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (41).



