Structural model of innovation competencies in Latin America. Evidence in Mexico, Colombia and Bolivia
Competences for innovation, Latin America, Modeling with Structural EquationsAbstract
The objective of this research is to determine how individual and interpersonal innovation competencies influence networking within the Latin American context. A quantitative and correlational investigation was carried out and, in addition, a structural model was elaborated through the SmartPLS program. Here, through a sample made up of 153 participants from Mexico (n = 40), Bolivia (n = 85) and Colombia (n = 28), it was found that only interpersonal innovation competence has a positive and significant impact on the creation of networks. In conclusion, the contribution of this document shows that the development of innovation in a collectivist region such as Latin America requires a cultural interpretation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Paloma Daniela Gómez Álvarez, Marco Alberto Núñez Ramírez, Irma Guadalupe Esparza García
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