Pressure and velocity behavior of an incompressible flow through the reduction of a pipe using CFD




Fluid dynamics, pressure, energy conservation principle


In this research the methodology for the simulation by computational fluid dynamics (CFD- Computational Fluid Dynamics) of an incompressible flow is proposed by using Solidworks® Flow Simulation, measuring the behavior of pressure and velocity in reductions of the cross-sectional area of the pipe, making decrements of 0.02 m in the input area of five different models. There are three main parts to this methodology; two-dimensional computer-aided CAD (Computer-Aided Design) design of the pipeline, pipeline modeling, and CFD simulation. The simulation results showed an increase of between 10 and 14% of the fluid velocity, and a pressure loss of 13 to 75% in the area with the smallest area of the pipe for each 0.02 m reduction in diameter, derived from the energy conservation principle of ideal fluids.


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How to Cite

MONTIJO-VALENZUELA, E. E., ESPINOZA ZALLAS , F. A., ACEDO RUIZ, R., COVARRUBIAS BURGOS, E. O., & GÓMEZ VEGA, P. . (2021). Pressure and velocity behavior of an incompressible flow through the reduction of a pipe using CFD. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (35), 36.





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