Bacanora: A regional drink with a designation of origin that promotes meeting tourism
Bacanora, denomination of origin, meeting tourismAbstract
Mexico has 17 denominations of origin regulated by the Mexican institute of industrial property ([IMPI]), which are distributed throughout the entire Mexican territory: The state of Sonora has a denomination of origin of "Bacanora" which is a regional alcoholic beverage that is produced from the distillation of agave angustifolia haw by its scientific name.
The offer of products and services in the tourism industry in southern Sonora is scarce, the need for research, training, marketing, exchange of ideas between specialists on the subject of tourism and considering the opportunity that the bacanora represents for the development of this as the only emblematic drink with a designation of origin is one of the problems to be addressed in this research.
The methodology used has a mixed approach with an exploratory and descriptive scope of the phenomenon of the Bacanora industry and meeting tourism specifically in specialized events such as fairs and exhibitions of products or services related to the subject of Bacanora that take place in a specific area with the objective to promote business.
The results that are presented show 410 participating subjects as attendees of the Bacanora fest event, most of them highlighting the local presence, since it seeks to know the characteristics of the population that attends; The findings found show evidence that business, cultural, entertainment and academic activities were the most valued by the attendees, as well as the economic impact on the economic spillover generated by the development of these festivals.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dra. Yesenia Clark Mendivil, Dra. Irma Guadalupe Esparza García, Dra. Martha del Pilar Rodríguez García
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