Knowledge and application of the legal-tax provisions related to the Cost of Sales and Inventories in Commercial Small and Medium Enterprises (PyMes), in Hermosillo Sonora.
Abstract The work is part of the result of the research project: accounting regulations and legal provisions on contributions, related to inventory control and determination of costs that impact the results of small and medium-sized companies in Hermosillo, Sonora and the corresponding financial reports. An overview of the situation of SMEs in Mexico is presented, including a section related to the impact of the contingency derived from COVID 19. The proposed objective is to identify and determine if SMEs apply the tax provisions regarding the valuation and control of inventories, as well as the determination of the cost of sales. The methodology has a qualitative, descriptive approach and for data collection a questionnaire was applied to companies in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. Using SPSS, for analysis. The main results found are that the companies in this sector, if they know and apply the tax provisions, in the control and valuation of inventories, as well as in the determination of the cost of what is sold, deducing that the results presented in the reports It is appropriate, considering it as an opportunity for development, training and advice for the bus sector and those who wish it for small companies, professionalizing their administration and making the due fulfillment of their tax obligations more efficient.Abstract
The work is part of the result of the research project: accounting regulations and legal provisions on contributions, related to inventory control and determination of costs that impact the results of small and medium-sized companies in Hermosillo, Sonora and the corresponding financial reports.
An overview of the situation of SMEs in Mexico is presented, including a section related to the impact of the contingency derived from COVID 19.
The proposed objective is to identify and determine if SMEs apply the tax provisions regarding the valuation and control of inventories, as well as the determination of the cost of sales.
The methodology has a qualitative, descriptive approach and for data collection a questionnaire was applied to companies in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. Using SPSS, for analysis.
The main results found are that the companies in this sector, if they know and apply the tax provisions, in the control and valuation of inventories, as well as in the determination of the cost of what is sold, deducing that the results presented in the reports It is appropriate, considering it as an opportunity for development, training and advice for the bus sector and those who wish it for small companies, professionalizing their administration and making the due fulfillment of their tax obligations more efficient.
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Arreguin Ruiz, Javier, 8/10/2020 retomado el 30/03/2021
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fernando Calles, Ana Elsa Noriega, Sergio Félix Enriquez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.