Estrategia de internacionalización para la exportación de chorizo de cerdo estilo sinaloense, de México a Estados Unidos.


  • Rosa Aguilar Carvajal sin afiliación
  • Nereyda Soto Medina
  • Elizabeth Acosta Haro



This article examines the development of an internationalization strategy for Sinaloa-style pork chorizo, which will allow an opportunity for growth and expansion for a typical product from northern Mexico, destined for the market in the United States, especially for the city. of Los Ángeles California, the methodology used in this study is qualitative, based on the review of literature, laws, treaties and regulations and on the experience of the context in which the research is developed, it is a case study on a company producing pork derivatives in the city of Los Mochis Sinaloa, Mexico, whose name is omitted at its request. The results show the great possibilities of acceptance of the product in the destination market and therefore, it is proposed to use the internationalization strategy of direct export in accordance with the export capacity of the company, it is the strategy that best suits the business, since It will allow it to control the logistics chain from start to finish and assume the risks that the businessman faces for the first time.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Carvajal, R., Soto Medina, N., & Acosta Haro, E. (2023). Estrategia de internacionalización para la exportación de chorizo de cerdo estilo sinaloense, de México a Estados Unidos. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (40).



