Comparing centralized vs distributed protocols for wireless sensor networks
IoT, AODV, WSN, QUATTRO, EnergyAbstract
Academy, industry, and society are finding many areas of application of the Internet of Things, creating new services. However, the analysis of energy consumption carried out by the components of the network, in specific during the establishment of the routing, is a hot topic because many studies are carried out by simulations. The proposed API permits evaluate routing protocols and applications by means of a friendly interface developed using C# introducing development improvement to a wide set of IoT applications. Moreover, a wireless sensor was created using XBee Series 1 and IEEE 802.15.4 standard to evaluate protocols and applications through a real scenario. The energy consumption analysis carried out with the API and wireless sensor is very similar with the results obtained by simulation.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2020 Dr. Joel Ruiz Ibarra, Mtro. Edgar Alberto Espinoza Zallas, Mtra. Patricia Ramona Andrade Salinas, Mtro. Juan Pablo Aguilar Limon

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