Effects Of The Uma On The Laws Of Social Security And Infonavit





Unit of Measure and Update (UMA), Laws


This article presents the impact that the deindexation of the minimum salary by the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) has had on the Social Security Law and the Law of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers and identify the effects that the deindexing had when substituting the minimum salary for the UMA as much in quotas as in contributions, indemnities, in fines and pensions. This article was made based on documentary research. The background and changes in the laws were investigated to identify the effects that deindexing had when substituting the minimum salary for the UMA and how it influences the fact that it is not implicit in all laws when to use the minimum wage and when the UMA as this has important effects. The result that we obtained was to highlight the importance of identify in which laws and when to use the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) and when the Minimum Salary.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ruiz, S., Vélez González, J., & Aguirre Flores, S. (2021). Effects Of The Uma On The Laws Of Social Security And Infonavit. Revista De Investigación Académica Sin Frontera: Facultad Interdisciplinaria De Ciencias Económicas Administrativas - Departamento De Ciencias Económico Administrativas-Campus Navojoa, (35), 27. https://doi.org/10.46589/rdiasf.vi35.383



