How the students confront pandemic COVID-19
Economy, CoV-Sar-.2, COVID 19, Teaching, Learning, Higher Education, connectivity.Abstract
The crisis generated by COVID-19 has faced us with challenges, taking over the world without the ability to provide an immediate response, without sufficient health equipment, without medicines for its cure and without a vaccine to prevent contagion. Closing borders and then closing economies, we are living in an unprecedented time where connectivity plays a fundamental role for practically all sectors. The objective of this research is to diagnose the impact that CoV-Sars-2 has had on Teaching - Learning in Higher Education and its possible impact in the social, economic and health fields, to establish recommendations when future ones are presented contingencies. Undoubtedly today is when a close, supportive and inclusive education is required at all levels, to be able to respond to the challenges of the moment we are going through.The crisis generated by COVID-19 has faced us with challenges, taking the world without the ability to give an immediate response, without sufficient health equipment, without medicines for its cure and without a vaccine to prevent contagion. Closing borders and then closing economies, we are living in an unprecedented time where connectivity plays a fundamental role for practically all sectors. The objective of this research is to diagnose the impact that CoV-Sars-2 has had on Teaching - Learning in Higher Education and its possible impact in the social, economic and health fields, to establish recommendations when future ones are presented contingencies. Undoubtedly today is when a close, supportive and inclusive education is required at all levels, to be able to respond to the challenges of the moment we are going through.
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Copyright (c) 2021 María Guadalupe Cruz García, Maribel Nava Pozos, Felicitas Hernández Calva
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.