Political violence against women based on gender and femicide
Femicides, Gender Reason, Politics, Elections, Popular election officesAbstract
The existence of acts of historical backwardness and exclusion in which women have been subjected, acts that severely hurt and weaken democracy and impede the free exercise of their rights is a reality. Talking about the eradication of political violence based on gender and feminicide, demands and requires the full commitment of the various authorities in the field of their respective competencies, of the political actors and, of course, of society itself. This article aims to present relevant information on political violence against women and femicide, this in order to explain the problems that arise in Mexico, identifying a lack of culture of respect for women's political and electoral rights. This document was developed based on a descriptive research, for which the pertinent conceptual and literary review was carried out considering national and international documents on the concepts in question. As results of the investigation, it was found that, although there are significant advances in terms of the legal protection of the political and electoral rights of women, it currently represents an unfinished struggle.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Alejandro Gazca Herrera, Maty Lezama Martínez , Josué Cervantes Martínez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.